Sam. Carl. Woody.

It’s all about Woody. Buzz is okay, but it’s Woody all the way.

At three, Sam wants to BE Woody.


Big birthdays for both my boys.


We treated ourselves to a Starry Night Bakery cake. Hmmm.

No lie. It was so rich that we all had headaches about fifteen minutes after the party!

Rich, but delish.


Then, Carl jaunted off to play a gig with Skip in Belair, and I took the kids to the

MD Steamshow in Arcadia.

It was tractors and steam engines galore, and my little guys were in their element.


Later that night, Carl and I played “Where did you  think  you’d be at 50 . . . .?”

We agreed that our concept of “life at fifty” is nothing like the real thing.

It’s so much harder.

It’s so much sweeter.

To infinity and beyond.


One Response to “Sam. Carl. Woody.”

  1. This is so cute! Love you guys 🙂

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